How To Groom Your Cockapoo (Video Course)
(Or Your Maltipoo, Labradoodle, Goldendoodle, Shih Poo or any other Poodle-mix Dog)
Save money, reduce their stress and bond with your little buddy!
“Learning to groom my own cockapoo was one of the best things I ever did for my pet and my bank account. I save hundreds every year and I spend time bonding with my dogs making them feel great and look great too….Instead of having the hassle of settings appointments, transporting them and having them get stressed at the groomers every month, they are now perfectly groomed all the time and are less stressed.”
Click to play video below

Dear Cockapoo Owner,
Have you had enough of paying high prices for your cockapoo grooming? If so, this might be the solution for you.
Are you tired of taking your cockapoo to the groomers, having to run back to pick them up an hour later, spending up to $75 or more for a professional grooming and then having to do it all over again month after month after month?
Are you a new cockapoo owner who has just realized the extra cost involved with owning a cockapoo is a little more than you expected and are now looking for ways to minimize that cost?
Do you want to have a well-groomed cockapoo who looks as cute as a button, yet not pay the high prices to achieve that look?
Do you want to take your cockapoo’s grooming into your own hands and save money and spend precious time with your dog by grooming him or her yourself?
Cockapoo ownership shouldn’t be expensive. This course is for you!
Tracy Ray
Why Groom Your Own Cockapoo?
Who Teaches The Course?
Cockapoo Grooming Secrets is a video series done by award winning dog groomers Carl Milson & Shane Carr. Carl and Shane have a combined 50+ years experience grooming pets of all shapes and sizes. Their love for animals is obvious and their expertise is exceptional.
This online video course will teach you exactly how to groom your cockapoo at home with ease and confidence.
What Will You Learn?
Low Price of $47 (Less than 1 grooming session)
PLEASE NOTE: This course is delivered via online streaming video. You will not receive any DVDs or physical product in the mail. Once you register, you’ll be given access to all the course material in the protected area of this site.
I am so sure of your success with this program I guarantee….You Will Be 100% Satisfied With “Cockapoo Grooming Secrets” or it’s FREE!
If for ANY reason you are not completely satisfied with “Cockapoo Grooming Secrets” or even if you simply don’t like the color of the fonts I used, just ask for your money back anytime in the next 30 days. I will issue you a prompt refund and you can even keep access to the course as my bonus gift just for giving “Cockapoo Grooming Secrets” an honest evaluation.
Fair enough?
Everybody asks me, "Tracy, its $47, and it is so value packed. Why even give a guarantee?"
Because I don't care if it is thirty-seven dollars, thirty-seven cents, or thirty-seven million.
I want to give you more than what you paid for.
If you feel that you didn't get 10 times your money's worth, I have to insist that you take your money back.
It's that karma thing again. How is that? Is that fair enough?
You Have Nothing To Lose!
Top 5 Reasons To Get Cockapoo Grooming Secrets
You already know that you can save money by grooming your own cockapoo and there is no real reason to delay learning how to do this yourself
Cockapoo Grooming Secrets is the most complete “video course” to grooming your cockapoo. Nothing else even comes close.
Learning to groom your cockapoo will give you invaluable bonding time with your pet, month after month.
With The “30 Day Unconditional Guarantee” it’s impossible for you to lose. I take all the risk for you. No small print, no strings attached.
If you procrastinate, you are robbing from yourself and your pet. Every day you delay, make excuses and pitter patter around, your bank account and your pet suffer. Don’t wait.
Start Learning This Skill Today
For one grooming you would be looking at $60 and up.
So this course is saving you money after the very first grooming.
Your dog will love that you are grooming them instead of sending them off to strangers.
You’ll save money and hassle by grooming them yourself.
Low Price of $47 (Less than 1 grooming session)
PLEASE NOTE: This course is delivered via online streaming video. You will not receive any DVDs or physical product in the mail. Once you register, you’ll be given access to all the course material in the protected area of this site.